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Twitter is lighting up over a recent Sam Smith concert in Madrid that many are calling “demonic” with an alleged discount on tickets for ages 0-8 years old.
Hollywood it literally PRAISING satan in front of your children.pic.twitter.com/BLk9vd4g7z
— Graham Allen (@GrahamAllen_1) July 10, 2023
🚨🚨 Sam Smith, his agents and promoters should be absolutely ashamed. This is a (moderate) clip from his “performance” in Madrid.
The authorities are silent. Kids as young a SIX attended. pic.twitter.com/1zVARQKBGG
— Anti WEF (@ANTlWEF) July 10, 2023
Sam Smith is taking this Satanic thing a little too far now… pic.twitter.com/qyEBbrZLvv
— Elon Muskandi (@KeithTopG) July 10, 2023
Is it just me, or is #SamSmith trying to take our children to hell with him? pic.twitter.com/Uzt0ocvIBw
— Brandon Taylor Moore (@LetsGoBrando45) July 10, 2023
Oversized Sodom and Gomorrah Sam Smith at the ‘Mad Cool festival’ in Madrid, Spain – an event with no age restrictions,
“We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children,”
Viewer discretion advised, pic.twitter.com/UEIlItBzMf
— 🇺🇸RealRobert🇺🇸 (@Real_RobN) July 10, 2023
There has been much attention lately regarding children attending Pride events that took place last month with nudity and sexually suggestive activities going on around them. Parents are starting to speak out against allowing kids to attend what many believe should remain adult only events, given the content.
The Sam Smith concert in Madrid, which saw him dressed up in fetish gear, shaking his naked backside, and simulating unsubtle sex acts, was performed in front of an audience with no age restrictions.
Sam Smith was also heavily criticized for his “demonic” Grammy performance back in February of this year.