The Daily BS • Bo Snerdley Cuts Through It!

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Daily BS morning mug shots 8-15


No. It’s not a good morning.

It’s a very sad day, but in the spirit of America, we are not going to walk around with our heads down. Chin up and brace for some hard stuff to digest this morning. Process it and use it to fight for a better and more fair system in our country. No surrender here.

The gloating of these two women is why they say the victory will go to Donald Trump, even if it is from a jail cell.

“Flipped” was trending on Twitter this morning. Does anyone reading this actually trust Lindsey Graham?

We feel the pain of Olympic medalist Bruce Jenner, now Caitlyn. This clip did not go over well with the left!

This is meant to be funny, but it’s really hard to laugh at. Sigh.

Moving on to Joe Biden. James Woods says it all for us, here.

The fact that men have taken away women’s value in sports is bad enough. When they brag about it and mock the weakness of women, it is a new level of gross. Who thinks this is okay? Seriously? Who?

Another James Woods? We can’t help it. He was busy on Twitter last night and made some good observations.

This may be old. We don’t know, but we do know that it is one of the dumbest things we have ever heard. We must do better. Can you imagine the other countries laughing their butts off at us?

Buckle up and brace yourselves. The next year will not be easy. Keep a steady head and clear eyes.

The last tweet is Tucker’s episode 16. Interesting interview, as usual. You may need to grab a refill here.

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