Anybody that has been in the middle of working on a project, only to be interrupted by a spam caller asking if you would consider selling your house, knows how utterly annoying it is.
Imagine then, what it must be like to find yourself fighting for the bare resources of survival because your house has been burned to the ground, and get the same kind of phone call. Only the situation is worse than that, because you are a survivor of the fires that consumed parts of Maui, and on top of your own struggle with survival you have seen close hand, the horrific tragedies of this saga that have captivated the world.
Things have gotten to the point that the governor of the state, Josh Green released this statement, in response to the number of investors and realtors calling Maui residents to persuade them to sell their fire-damaged property: ”
“I’ve reached out to the Attorney General to explore options to do a moratorium on any sales of properties that have been damaged or destroyed,” Green said in a press release. “Moreover, I would caution people that it’s going to be a very long time, before any growth, or housing can be built. And so, you would be pretty poorly informed if you try to steal land from our people and then build here.”
There are places on the island where fires are still burning or smoldering. Yet, ruthless, and dare I say heartless and greedy realtors and investors can’t even wait until the dead are identified, much less buried before trying to cash in. To badger people trying to cope with surreal tragedy with sales calls is beyond classless and clueless. It is evil. This greed on parade is a disgusting example of the lack of humanity that afflicts so much of our modern life. Asking those immoral enough to think that these sorts of calls are perfectly fine to refrain from making them, is probably pointless. It would take someone with a degree of consciousness to “get it” and understand why it is so wrong.