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Presidential Libraries of America unite! (Against Trump)


Mainstream media outlets are gushing over the 13 presidential libraries that issued a first-time-ever joint statement stemming from their  “concern for U.S. democracy.”

Last Thursday, a joint message from the presidents was released, saying we Americans have a strong interest in supporting human rights and democratic movements around the world because “free societies everywhere contribute to our own security and prosperity at home.” But that warned that our interests are “undermined when others see our own house in disarray.”

Let’s cut through the bull. This statement is nothing more than another not-so-veiled attack on Donald Trump and Trump supporters. Want proof? Look no further than the Associated Press coverage of this historic joint statement, which includes this analysis:

“Most of the living former presidents have been sparing in giving their public opinions about the state of the nation as polls show that large swaths of Republicans still believe the lies perpetuated by former President Donald Trump and his allies that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. Trump, a Republican, has also lashed out at the judicial system as he faces indictments in four criminal cases, including two related to his efforts to overturn the results of his reelection loss to Joe Biden, a Democrat.”

The AP goes on to say ” Thursday’s statement stopped short of calling out individuals, but it still marked one of the most substantive acknowledgments that people associated with the nation’s former presidents are worried about the country’s trajectory. ”  They then quote the president and CEO of the LBJ Foundation, Mark Updegrove, who says, ” I think there’s a great concern about the state of our democracy at this time. We don’t have to go much farther than January 6 realizes that we are in a perilous state.”

Coming from the LBJ library – that statement is almost laughable. Does anybody remember thousands upon thousands of Americans in Washington D.C. yelling: “Hey, Hey, LBJ – How many kids did you kill today” and other anti-war slogans? There was a “January 6th” atmosphere in Washington and around the country every day – to the point that Lyndon Baines Johnson knew he could not be re-elected in 1968, bowed out of the race and fled back to Texas, where he grew his hair long like the hippies whose protests forced him out of office.

How this joint statement came about is also interesting. It was, according to the AP, “spearheaded by David Kramer, executive director of the George W. Bush Institute. Kramer said the former president “did see and signed off,” on the statement.

Mr. Kramer and the Bush Institute have also “hosted several events on elections including one as part of a joint initiative with the other groups called More Perfect that featured Bill Gates, a member of the board of supervisors in Arizona’s Maricopa County, which includes Phoenix.” AP says “The county, its supervisors and its elections staff have been targeted repeatedly by election conspiracy theorists in recent years.  Gates and his family have been threatened by people who believe false allegations of election fraud.”

Mr Kramer says he wants “to remind people that those who oversee our elections are our fellow citizens. Some of them told stories that are almost heartbreaking about the threats they faced.”

What AP nor Mr. Kramer have not bothered to report or dispel is one of the very serious allegations from Kari Lake, who lost her Arizona Senate race. Ms. Lake claims Gates and another election official ran a political action committee and used it to attack her, while at the same time serving as supervisor of the elections.

But, getting back to this joint statement. The Eisenhower Foundation declined, respectfully to sign it. They said there were zero “collective discussions” about it – they were only invited to sign it.

Apparently, Ike is still Right. They refused to go along with this latest anti-Trump propaganda display. Under the guise of “concerns for democracy.”

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