PBS White House correspondent Laura Barrón-López waved her bias around proudly as she asked President Joe Biden about the Republican’s newly-elected Speaker of the House on Wednesday at a joint press conference with the prime minister of Australia, Anthony Albanese.
After a lengthy set-up trashing Mike Johnson as a Trump lapdog, conspiracy theorist who questioned the results of the 2020 election, the reporter asked the president if he’s worried it will happen again.
President Biden answered the ridiculous question slurring his disjointed sentences, as he often does.
LAURA BARRÓN-LÓPEZ: Mr. President, thank you. If I may, I have a breaking news question and then an Israel one.
First, after 22 days, House Republicans just elected Mike Johnson of Louisiana as the Speaker of the House. Johnson advocated conspiracy theories about voting machines and a rigged election in 2020. He encouraged his colleagues to join a lawsuit to invalidate the results of four states. So, if you win reelection in 2024, are you worried that a Speaker Johnson would again attempt to overturn the election?
PRESIDENT BIDEN: Because he can’t have — look, just like I was not worried that the last guy would be able to overturn the election. They have about 60 lawsuits, and they all went to the Supreme Court, and, every time, they lost. I understand the Constitution.