“Now is not the time for foot fetishes,” Florida Governor Ron DeSantis declared, after a week of being asked to comment on whether he has lifts in his cowboy boots to make him look taller.
The 2024 presidential candidate is fiercely fighting for the Republican nomination in a brutal battle against former President Donald J. Trump and Trump’s loyal army of supporters.
With an assist from Newsmax host Eric Bolling, DeSantis went on to list the terrifying challenges facing the United States in this sobering moment of history.
He addressed “boot-gate” with humor — and a direct hit on Trump himself.
“We’ve got serious problems as a country,” he said, scolding the Trump team for focusing on footwear.
“I’ll tell you this, if Donald Trump can summon the balls to show up to the debate, I’ll wear a boot on my head! This is a time for substance.”
Can we please put this stupid boot thing to rest now?! https://t.co/VqewxgzHYW
— thedailybs w/ Snerdley (@thedailybs_Bo) November 3, 2023