Days after lecturing the nation about cooling that temperature of political rhetoric, President Joe Biden exempted himself as he ripped into former President Donald Trump.
And during remarks delivered Tuesday in Las Vegas at the 115th NAACP National Convention. Biden’s digs at the Republican presidential nominee included an eyebrow-raising moment when he connected the color of Vice President Kamala Harris’s skin with her job and declared she would make a great president.
“Just a few days after the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, we’re grateful he’s not seriously injured. We continue to pray for him and his family,” the president said. “It’s time for an important conversation in this country. It’s gotten too heated.”
“We have to say with one voice that violence is not the answer. That’s what we should rally around as a nation. That’s the unity I’m talking about. Few organizations know that better than the NAACP,” Biden said before ignoring his own advice.”Just because we should lower the temperature, doesn’t mean we should stop telling the truth.”
Biden Yelling: “Folks, I know what a black job is. It’s Vice President of The United States!”
Biden continues to prove he only appointed Kamala as a DEI pick.
— Media Research Center (@theMRC) July 16, 2024
He claimed Trump’s presidency “was hell for black America,” and accused him of “lying like hell” about black unemployment records while mocking his focus on “black jobs.”
“Folks I know what a black job is. It’s the vice president of the United States,” he yelled at one point, getting cheers from the crowd.
“It’s because of you that I’m president and Kamala Harris is vice president. By the way, she’s not only a great vice president. She can be President of the United States,” he added.
Wow. He’s resorted to making her a skin color instead of a person who earned the position based on merit. In other words, she clicked two boxes: [a] female and [b] black.
— Monica P 🚀🛸🪐💜🤍💛✗ (@monipridragon12) July 17, 2024
He must have forgotten his previous boss.
— Dean_089 (@Dean_Sliger) July 16, 2024
She is Jamaican and Indian mix. 🤣
— Elon Musk Citizen Journalist (Parody) (@xcitizenjournal) July 16, 2024
Once again, taking something out of context and yelling about it like a drunk uncle.
— Keith Ainsworth (@AinsworthKeith) July 17, 2024
— DannyKPolitics (@DannyKPolitics) July 17, 2024
They applaud like seals, they have no idea what he just said.
— Blonde Patriot (@xPatriotBlondex) July 16, 2024