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Nice try, NY Times! Source who ‘verifies’ Kamala worked at McDonald’s was a campaign surrogate


The narrative about Vice President Kamala Harris’s supposed stint working at a McDonald’s in her younger years continues to unravel.

The New York Times attempted to carry water for the Democratic presidential nominee with a report claiming a friend of Harris could vouch for the fact that she did, indeed, work at the fast food chain.

“Donald Trump has claimed without evidence that Ms. Harris never worked at the fast-food chain,” the leftwing paper said in its report. “Her campaign and a friend say she did.”

That friend was Wanda Kagan whom the Times described as “a close friend of Ms. Harris’s when they attended high school together in Montreal.” It was Kagan, according to the paper, who “said that Ms. Harris’s mother, who died in 2009, had told Ms. Kagan about the summer job years ago.”

“What the Times did not tell its readers is that Kagan is a full-throated Harris supporter who has appeared alongside the vice president at several campaign events. She also served as a surrogate for her old friend on television during the Democratic National Convention,” The Washington Free Beacon reported on Wednesday.

“Kagan is the first living person to step forward in the seven weeks since a Free Beacon investigation first raised doubts about Harris’s claim to say that Harris worked at McDonald’s,” the report continued. “Kagan’s claim, that she heard about McDonald’s from Harris’s mother, cannot be verified because Harris’s mother is dead. To date, the Harris campaign itself has not produced a single person with firsthand knowledge of Harris’s McDonald’s job, other than Harris herself.”

Kagan served as a surrogate during the Democratic National Convention, telling MSNBC what the teenage Harris was like.

“I lost touch after she went to college, and then I went to college. But then I stayed in touch with her mom still, and—but then I still had a pretty unstable life again, so I was moving a lot, and so I lost her mom’s contact number,” Kagan told PBS in an interview in August.

“The Times did not indicate that Kagan and Harris remain close friends and did not say that the former is now a fierce political supporter of the latter,” the Free Beacon reported.

Numerous social media posts show Kagan with Harris, such as a video earlier this month in which they clink glasses in a toast.


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Kagan was at the White House to celebrate the vice president’s birthday, posting a picture from the event before the Times story came out.

“Kagan has been regularly socializing or campaigning with Harris since April, a review of her social media accounts shows,” the Free Beacon noted, as again, the Times piece made no mention of her campaign support of her school friend.


  1. My yearly Social Security update shows my Burger King income in 1975 and 1976, where I earned the princely sum of 2.15 an hour. It would be easy for me to point to in order to prove I worked there, along with a number of teens I knew who would attest to that. Just saying…

  2. The Media in America must think we are all so stupid and gullible.
    Harris’ employment history can be verified by McDonald’s and as well,
    by IRS Fed Withholding information. This can be done in an hour.
    Why has no media outlet, campaign or anyone looking into it.
    Ans.: Because the media (all of it, every part) is as corrupt as our culture.

  3. this lying bs has to stop.
    kamala is not good for the usa

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