- More than 50 public libraries turned down or ignored Kirk Cameron’s request to read his new faith-based book during story hour.
- Several of the libraries host LGBTQ+ inspired events including “Drag Queen Story Hours.”
- One library told Kirk’s publisher that their “messaging does not align.”
Public libraries rejected or ignored American actor and evangelist Kirk Cameron’s request to read his new faith-based children’s book during story-hour, but continue to promote events featuring drag queens.
The requests, sent out by Cameron’s conservative publisher Brave Books, were rejected by several public libraries who openly advertise LGBTQ+ programming, Fox News reported. One library told the publisher that the book, titled “As You Grow,” did not align with its “messaging.”
Brave Books sent out requests to more than 50 public libraries. Cameron told Fox News that “for every purchase made at bravebooks.us, we will donate a book to a library near you from our Freedom Island [children’s book] series that teaches pro-God and pro-family values.”
The book also promotes the concepts of “love, joy, and gentleness,” according to its description. It is a part of a larger series published by Brave Books. There are 18 books totaling the series and feature conservative voices including Dan Crenshaw and Dana Loesch.
“Starting from a seed, Sky Tree has grown into a massive tree through the trials and triumphs along the way,” the description reads. “As you track the gentle giant’s growth, read the words of wisdom that guided this tree, and learn about love, joy, and gentleness with your family through the BRAVE challenge at the end of the book.”
The Rochambeau Public Library, located in Providence, Rhode Island, dismissed the request since it claims to be “a very queer-friendly library.”
“Our messaging does not align,” a library worker reportedly told Brave Books.
During the summer, the Community Libraries of Providence hosted “Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH),” a nation-wide feat which features drag queens reading books to children, at the Rochambeau library “to bring a fun and fabulous story time to Rochambeau’s Children’s Area.” The event was advertised as being open to “children of all ages.”
The library’s website also promotes an upcoming Dec. 8 event titled “Queer Umbrella,” which is described as “club and safe space where teens can learn, discuss, and connect over queer history, art, community resources, and more.” The event is “[o]pen to all members of the LGBTQ+ community who are 12+,” according to the description.
On Dec. 10, the library will hold a string quartet concert titled “On Being Enslaved” sponsored by the Brown University Center for Slavery and Justice.
“We receive many unsolicited requests from individuals and groups to co-host events, which we are always happy to consider. In the vast majority of cases, they do not result in partnership,” Janet Fuentes, Communications & Marketing Manager for Community Libraries of Providence, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Typically, as with Brave Books, we suggest that the inquirer considers holding their own event in a bookable meeting room space.”
“Our libraries are free civic spaces, and our meeting rooms are available free of charge to the public. We provide space for many types of groups, including religious organizations,” she continued. “Brave Books is free to request a meeting room space to hold an event at one of our libraries, should it wish to do so.”
Actor and writer Kirk Cameron defends family, faith and God in new kids’ bookhttps://t.co/yuBxlhkhJi
— BRAVE Books (@BraveBooksUS) December 1, 2022
City Heights/Weingart Branch Library, located in San Diego, California, told Brave Books it would not host Kirk because of its “diverse” community, Fox News reported.
“Because of how diverse our community is, I don’t know how many people you would get,” the library reportedly claimed.
The library is part of a larger San Diego system which regularly hosts LGBTQ+ events. On Oct. 12, the Scripps Miramar Ranch Library hosted a “Pride Storytime” featuring books with “LGBTQIA+ characters appropriate for preschoolers.”
A DQSH was held on Aug. 20 at the North University Community Library branch and another was held at the Mission Hills Library branch on Oct. 15.
The Alameda County Library location in California also told Brave Books that they would not host the reading, despite hosting several pride-themed events this month.
On Dec. 6, the library hosted a “virtual General marker and name change clinic” where people could consult with lawyers on how to change their gender. The lawyers provided free help with court paperwork and “updating identity documents such as CA birth certificates, driver’s licenses/ IDs, passports and social security cards,” according to the website.
The Indianapolis Public Library told Brave Books that it would not host Cameron since it has a strategic plan to promote racial justice.
“Generally when we have author visits, those are coordinated through our departments,” a library representative reportedly explained. “We really have a push. We have a strategic plan in place, so we are really looking at authors who are diverse. Authors of color. That’s really been our focus.”
Brave Books reportedly challenged the response by claiming Cameron’s book has its own diverse set of ideals, however they were told that the library is focused on “racial equity.”
The library hosted two DQSH’s in June to celebrate Pride month, according to its website.
“It’s pride month and the start of the summer reading program,” the description read. “Let’s celebrate with our community’s greatest entertainers and literacy advocates, the drag queens!”
Cameron, Brave Books, all libraries except for Community Libraries of Providence, Crenshaw and Loesch did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.