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Howie Mandel tries to rewrite history on COVID vaccine, RFK Jr. immediately sets him straight!


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. locked horns with Howie Mandel over the COVID vaccine and reminded the comedian that he’s “supposed to tell the truth” about valid statistics and history.

The environmental lawyer and 2024 presidential candidate repeatedly tried to clarify the numbers behind the vaccine and aimed a laser light on the claims about its efficacy as Mandel pushed back with the accepted narrative on the “Howie Mandel Does Stuff” podcast.

Kennedy recounted how the COVID vaccine was touted as “100 percent effective” because of the way clinical trials were conducted when Mandel interjected to say, “That’s a misnomer.”

“They never said you won’t get COVID. They just said it’ll kind of pull back the severity of it,” the television host and actor asserted. “So the fact is, that’s well proven.”

Kennedy reminded Mandel how vaccine proponents continued to push it as 100% effective while Mandel rejected the claim. The two sparred over Mandel’s apparently short memory.

“The word effective…I never heard ‘you won’t get COVID,” Mandel said as Kennedy reminded him of the names and faces of those – still readily found online – who said otherwise.

“I saw a tape yesterday of them all – Biden, Fauci, Gates…all of them saying, Rachel Maddow, ‘if you take the vaccine, you can’t get COVID,’ ” the presidential hopeful said, adding “Can I play it for you?” when Mandel said he had seen no such thing.

When Kennedy began to pull up the evidence on his phone, Mandel cut in, “Well, wait wait wait…It doesn’t matter what Rachel Maddow said.”

The discussion continued as Kennedy plainly laid out the problem with the metric used in determining the effectiveness of the vaccine that was thrust upon Americans in the wake of the global pandemic. When the show’s host attempted to explain away the stats because of his experience with television ratings, Kenndy reminded him, “You’re playing with people’s lives here.”

“You’re supposed to tell the truth,” he added, eventually leaving Mandel momentarily without a rebuttal after he laid out a detailed statistical argument.

Social media users weighed in after Kennedy’s reality check.

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