The Daily BS • Bo Snerdley Cuts Through It!

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Bo Snerdley: Campus chaos is working and it’s just a drop in a VERY BIG BUCKET


Radio host James Golden believes the media’s job is to continue to cover every part of the anti-Israel protests engulfing college campuses across the nation.

Golden, also known as Bo Snerdley, spoke with NewsNation host Nick Smith about the weeks of pro-Palestine demonstrations and called out the hypocrisy of the left in their “bigotry”  and “intolerance.”

“Once graduation ceremonies conclude, will the protests peter out or will they take their march somewhere else?” Smith asked his guest on “Morning in America.”

Golden, the longtime producer for the late conservative talk radio king Rush Limbaugh, affirmed that protests will continue, going on to highlight the left’s history of disrespect.

“Since the 1960s, the left…and their allies in mainstream media, has been trying to frame people in the south, people in America’s heartland as being intolerant, as being bigoted, as not being welcoming and open to inclusiveness,” he said.

“What are we seeing from America’s left, from their children, from their professors?” he continued. “We are seeing bigotry. We are seeing intolerance. We are seeing a non-acceptance of diversity of anybody who has a different opinion than theirs.”

Golden highlighted the “breakdown in civility” and the “bad manners on parade”  by today’s left as well as a “disrespect for achievement,”

Pointing to recent examples of universities negotiating with pro-Palestinian activists on campuses, Smith wondered if that confirmed the success of demonstrations which have, in many cases, shut down classes and canceled end-of-year commencement ceremonies.

Golden pointed out how members of Congress, notably the progressive “Squad” have celebrated the seeming victories of student demonstrations.

“Not only have they forced some of these campuses to capitulate, but they have forced the White House to capitulate and the White House is turning its back on Israel on a daily basis,” he said. “Yeah, these protesters have had an impact because behind it all lurks the 2024 election. Joe Biden and the Democrats are scared to death…that battleground states are going to come up short” and Biden will not be re-elected.

“So, yeah, the protesters have been effective for all of the wrong reasons,” Golden remarked, noting that the impact is not just on college campuses but has spread to demonstrations, violence, and vandalism in other places as well.

“It’s almost a societal failure on the left from everything that they’ve been preaching and wagging their finger at America and people on the right around the world,” he continued. “They are demonstrating how intolerant the entire left is.”

Smith contended that young people do not demonstrate empathy toward others because society does not require them to serve in some capacity. He went on to ask Golden what members of the media should be doing in the face of current tensions.

“You should be covering every step of it,” the host of “Bo Snerdley’s Rush Hour” concluded. “It is an education for people who did not realize how deeply antisemitism and intolerance runs through he left.”