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Trump goes to Washington — relax, the comeback is legend


As the 45th President of the United States returns to the White House to become America’s 47th President, Donald Trump makes history as the first president since Grover Cleveland in 1892 to serve non-consecutive terms.

It is a sweet victory for poetic justice as America rallied behind a literally wounded Trump, uncovering how unjustly his political opponents have treated him. It is a moral victory of epic proportions as Americans realized that Trump had been right all along and, even better, that the Left had been woefully wrong on every issue. It is a recognition that Americans understood Trump didn’t have to run again, but he did because he genuinely believed America was headed down the wrong path. The country needed his vision to correct course.

We sat in the press section covering his CPAC speech on August 6, 2022. Trump was rather somber in his delivery, without much fanfare or his usual bravado. But his closing lines were memorable: “I am not doing this for me because I have had a very good and luxurious life. But I do it for you, and it’s my honor to do it. Because if I don’t, our nation is doomed to become another Venezuela or the Soviet Union, which is where we’re headed.”

On that extraordinarily hot Dallas summer day, Trump had much to be concerned about the state of affairs in America. Inflation had raged every month since Biden took office, reaching 9.1% in June 2022 – hence Trump’s reference to Venezuela. Three months prior, the Federal Reserve had announced the first of its many interest rate hikes – a dramatic 50 basis point increase in its Funds Rate to bring it into a target range of 0.75% to 1.00%. Over the next two months, in June and July, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) announced a 75 basis point increase each time, an unprecedented move in modern times. [Trump didn’t know it at the time, but the FOMC would meet twice more, in September and November, each time raising rates by 75 basis points to bring the rate to 4.0%. It is currently at 4.33%. It was near zero when Trump left office].

Illegal immigration had become an invasion across the Southern border, with crime rates growing. And America was actively engaged in a war in Ukraine, committing billions to an “as-long-as-it-takes” conflict. [Trump had begun no new wars when he was President].

Trump’s reference to the Soviet Union on that day was even more poignant. America had turned into a state that, under the Democrats, was willing to use every lever of power to bring him down – all under the guise of protecting democracy. When Trump had legitimate complaints about the 2020 election, no court heard his claims on their merits. When Trump addressed his supporters on January 6, his request to make the demonstrations peaceful was suppressed by Big Tech. When Trump asked for the National Guard to be deployed to protect the Capitol, his request was ignored. The Deep State wanted to catch Trump, impeach him a second time for an insurrection, and forbid him from ever running for office.

That Soviet-style campaign had been going on for twenty months when Trump spoke in Dallas. Twitter had banned him, Facebook had deactivated his account, and his YouTube account was suspended. Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi commissioned a panel that used unlimited Congressional resources to malign Trump, including hiring an ABC News producer to broadcast charges live during primetime. Trump was never given a chance to defend himself. He must have known about an impending FBI raid on his home, which occurred two days after he spoke at CPAC. The dirty tactics of the Kremlin had descended on Washington.

Trump could not have known the extent of the Soviet-style treatment he would have to endure for two more years. In November 2022, Biden publicly expressed that he wanted to deny Trump a second term. Nine days later, the DOJ appointed a Special Counsel who brought about 34 federal criminal charges against Trump, all of which have now been dismissed.

The same day, Fulton County prosecutors met with White House officials to collaborate on a RICO charge against Trump. That case is now dead. After Trump began winning the early GOP nominating states in landslides as voters saw what he was being subjected to, officials in Colorado, Maine, and Illinois attempted to have him removed from the ballot. The Supreme Court put an end to this nonsense by voting 9-0.

Americans saw the above story played out in full, in clips and shorts, thanks to Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter and his focus on returning free speech to the platform. New Media formats such as podcasts and independent journalism sites like Tippinsights shone the spotlight on the legacy media’s and the Left’s hypocrisy. For a party that cried ‘Democracy!’ at every turn, its leaders replaced their nominee with an incompetent and unprepared candidate.

In November, the Democratic candidate fared so poorly that the Party is now politically clueless. They lost all seven battleground states, the Senate, and the House. Worse, their vision of a top-down campaign to push fundamental change through executive orders failed. America’s victimhood culture, where every minor infraction in public discourse -transgender bathrooms, CRT in schools and companies- triggered Big Brother action from Democrats, is now dead. With $35 trillion in debt, a near-nuclear conflict in Ukraine, illegal immigration changing the fabric of American life, and an ascendant China, America has far more significant challenges on its plate.

The MAGA, free-speech, and anti-Left-propaganda revolution that Trump has so ably ushered in has opened the eyes of even Trump’s adversaries. Meta announced that it would retire DEI policies altogether and disband human fact-checkers, relying on X’s Community Notes model. The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, and over 1,000 newspapers of the Gannett group announced that their editorial boards would no longer endorse presidential candidates. Even before the election, Big Tech leaders were making pilgrimages to Trump’s estate, making amends for their prior behavior, and requesting Trump’s help to bring wayward foreign governments in line as they continue to attack Big Tech.

As America embarks on a bright new future, we are excited that the political careers of so many who tried to thwart Trump at every turn are dying (or dead). We will celebrate their political obituaries in the coming weeks.

God Bless America!

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