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James Woods’s snark-filled tweet hits leftists who learn they could lose fingers for gluing hands to runway


Plax Manck twitter

In Germany, protesters at two separate airports glued their hands to the tarmac, causing hours of delay on the first day of school vacation.  Dozens of flights were canceled and arrivals had to be diverted.

James Woods succinctly, as always, tweeted about the incident saying, ‘I could watch this for hours, heartbroken, of course:’

Needless to say the responses were somewhat merciless:

Not Winston Yet


Douglas Karr


Other videos from Germany showed fed-up motorists taking matters into their own hands, removing protesters who were repeatedly blocking traffic despite getting dragged off the road.  One woman dragged another woman by the hair.

It seems that some Germans are fed up with the protesters and the police doing nothing about it, taking to Twitter to show their support for the motorists.

David Hansford


Cryptologic Thinker

It remains to be seen who will win the battle of the wills – the protest oppressors or everyone fed up with the shenanigans of climate tyrants and just trying to go to work to earn a living.









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